Wednesday, October 9, 2013

End of a Season

It has been a year since we started going out to Markville Mall to evangelize. It started as "Witness Wednesday" but has since become "Testify Tuesday". We missed the week of Nov 7, but every single one of the past 52 weeks (which is a year), we have faithfully gone out to Markville to share the gospel of repentance and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

We took no breaks, not even if the week was really busy. We faithfully went out because sharing the gospel is just that important to us as we help advance the kingdom. We have talked to 275 groups of people, together composing of 428 souls. This is 8.23 person per week. We don't count conversations where we simply prayed for them (though those are amazing too).

So that's 428 people who have heard the full gospel. That is that they are Hell-bound sinners in need of a savior and that savior being none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Granted we share this with tact and with love. But that's a lot of people who now know what it means to be a Christian and how to do it. We have planted 428 seeds in just a year! Hallelujah! And this with only an average of 4 evangelists each week.

Though we have "only" had the privilege of seeing 5 people come to faith in front of us, we know that there are countless seeds that have grown because of what we did. And who knows what God has done with them by now! So for that we rejoice.

This ministry started with just me, but God has since grown it immeasurably, especially in terms of prayer warriors. And that is the key strength of this: prayer. Without prayer, we lose the help of the Holy Spirit, and without Him, we can do nothing.
Witnessing statistics over a year. I have more, I just didn't want to make the graph too convoluted.

I have moved to Chicago as of Aug 17th. However, Testify Tuesday is still going strong under the faithful and strong leadership of Mike Fenty. Please keep him and everyone involved in your prayers. Let's pray for even more fruit next year!

In case anyone is wondering, I'm not posting updates for Testify Tuesday anymore. I'm now doing a lot of outreaches with Moody Theological Seminary (where I am getting my Master of Divinity). Check out I will keep updating that one (at least until God moves me to another city).

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