Monday, December 24, 2012

A Big Group

2012 December 24 (12)


Gonna be bringing Christ back to Christmas at Markville Mall from 4PM-6PM today. Join us for... Mission Monday?

The mall will be jam packed today, perfect time to evangelize! What's more, there are a lot more people joining us than usual. Praise God! Please pray for soft hearts and ready souls. What's more, we will be inviting people to come to Harvest Bible Chapel York Region's Christmas Eve service at 6PM. That's like a one-two punch in gospel sharing if people go. If you want to join us, send me a message. There are going to be so many people there who don't know the true meaning of Christmas and how Jesus came to "save his people from their sins" (Matt 1:21). We aim to rectify that situation. :) And again, I cannot stress enough, pray, pray, pray.

Soli Deo Gloria!


We had eight people come out today. Eight! We had such a big team that I even tried to evangelize to someone who was already evangelized to moments earlier. The conversation went something like this:

Him: "This guy already talked to me."
Me: "Ya? What did he say?"
Him: "Something about God, sin, Hell, eternal life..."

Haha! This is how it should be! There was another instance of this too! I wish this would happen every week. I'm so thankful for the people who faithfully prayed during this time. As a result, the Holy Spirit spoke through us with the full force of God almighty, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm also thankful to my brothers in arms, who came out to the frontlines with me, Mike, Josiah, Norman, Matthew, Isaac, Joshua, Adam. I was blessed today through your boldness and obedience. We have sown the seed, now let's wait for God to make them grow. And I know He will, so praise His holy name!

Souls (7) {Total: 55}

K, A

Team (8)

Tony, Joshua; Mike, Isaac; Josiah, Norman; Matthew, Adam

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Almost Christmas

2012 December 18 (11)


It's Testify Tuesday! New name, same deal. 6PM at Markville Mall. Sharing about Jesus to everyone there. Please join us and/or pray for us.

Those of you who were at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region last Sunday heard from Matt 1. Matt 1:23 says, "...and they shall call his name Immanuel." Immanuel means "God with us". Do you see the significance of this? God will be with us. You, me! We are sinners, unclean people, His enemies... and He is with us? How does this not blow you away? God is with us! He will never leave us or forsake us! And this God gave us a commission at the end of Matthew in Matt 28:19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Jesus is Immanuel; Matthew promised it in the first chapter and Jesus promised it in the last.

My brothers and sisters, as Jesus fulfilled HIS commission, fulfill YOUR commission! Experience "God with us"! There is nothing on earth as sweet as being in the presence of my beautiful savior. I exhort you to join us, even in prayer, especially in prayer. I urge you to be in His presence, whether you are a believer or not. I beg of you to trust Him as your Lord and not just savior, it is the only way to be saved! His name is Jesus, Immanuel, almighty God. With. Us!


Praise God for many conversations. Some were good, some were bad. But the gospel was shared in all cases. Praise God also for faithful men like Mike Fenty and Ben Sampson who keep coming out. If you want to know details, ask us when you see us next.

PS. There was one guy whom I thought for sure was going to accept Christ as Lord and savior right there, but I guess appearances can be deceiving.

Souls (9) {Total: 48}

M, R, A;
J, L;
3 Hindu guys

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


2012 December 11 (10)


It's time to witness again... on Tuesday! Join us as we go to Markville mall at 7PM to share the good news of Christ.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday how God has promised Christ since Adam and Eve's catastrophic failure. We now have the second Adam. We are free from the curse of sin. We have eternal life! Sadly, many in this world do not. :( And that is what we're here to do: to tell the world about the hope that is in Christ. Do it and you'll see the power of God first hand. Oh what a sight to behold!


I'm thankful for my brothers in arms, Mike Fenty and Ben Sampson for tonight's battle. The gospel was shared very clearly with many people. Too tired now... Will update at a later time... Mike, I need that list of names.

Souls (7) {Total: 39}

K, G, S

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting on Our Knees in the Mall

2012 December 4 (9)


Witness Wednesday is now happening on Tuesdays! I know, we need a new name now. But no matter, come join us at 6PM at Markville Mall for some gospel sharing.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday from Rom 3:23-24 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith."

Faith family, the Christmas season is upon us, where Christ is preached all over the radio. Don't waste this opportunity! Share this gift of grace. Share about the blood that was shed. Share what Christmas is all about! I have some surveys that'll make sharing "easy" too. Get in touch with me and I can send you PDF's. Join me in prayer as we bring Christ back to Christmas, starting tonight at Markville Mall.


Awesome testimonies tonight! For starters, we have a new person joining the team of evangelists. Ben Sampson joined Mike Fenty and myself at Markville. It's great to see how God is growing the team, and from different churches too. This is unity in the body! In the past three weeks, we've tripled our numbers! Hah! Praise God!

We talked to quite a number of people tonight, one group being four teenagers going to a catholic school. We opened up by asking them about Christmas and it naturally led to who Christ was. All of them heard the gospel. One of them in particular (Anton) was so scared of dying and of Hell too that he'd sometimes lie in bed just thinking about it. He said things like "If I died now I'd probably go to Hell. Of course I'm scared." and "How do you know it is real?" You could see God pulling at him. We shared about our absolute confidence in Christ and how we don't have to be afraid anymore. He knows, but he's just not quite there. Pray that God will grow the seeds planted.

And after two hours, we thought we were done so we prayed in the mall as we usually do. After we were done, we noticed how this lady was sitting beside us. In fact, there were quite a number of people there near us. We felt prompted to share the gospel with her, and as we started she said how she was a Christian and how she's so encouraged by what we're doing. After some more talking and brief sharing of her story, she said how she wants to come to the church I go to (Harvest Bible Chapel York Region). In fact, I've never met someone so eager to come to church! We got her number and some of you might even meet her on Sunday!

Brothers and sisters in Christ, share the gospel with someone this week! Don't waste this Christmas season. God has brought you into their life for this very reason! So that they can have what you have: a relationship with God.

Souls (12) {Total: 32}

C, A, S, A (Catholic kids);
White family;
R, A, N, J (family that later came to church)

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Long Conversation

2012 November 28 (8)


It's Witness Wesdnesday! I get to go to Markville Mall at 7PM and tell people about Jesus, woohoo! Mike Fenty is joining me, you could too.

Some of you heard this Sunday at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region that "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God." (Rom 3:10-11) That means the chances of encountering someone who is in desperate need of God is pretty high. NO ONE is righteous, that means EVERYONE needs Christ. I repeat: EVERYONE. Those who have Christ still need the gospel preached to them every single day. Christian, don't hold it in, how can you? You don't have to share with everyone, but when was the last time you did with anyone?


Tonight, what happened during witnessing was not expected at all. Mike Fenty and I spent the majority of the time (2 hours) talking to this one guy, Saikit. He needs Christ.

It was a circular argument from beginning to end, us talking about the same points over and over again. But when Mike asked about his story, that's when the Holy Spirit melted my heart for him. I can't share all the personal details but Saikit really, really wants God to be real. And for eight or more years he's gone through much suffering. He wants to believe but he says he has to remain "intellectually honest". Of course we had our rebuttal for that. He says he hasn't heard a single answered prayer in the past eight years.

Pray for him. We told him that we would pray for God to show himself to be real, to answer prayers in the only way that God does: for His glory. Pray that God will break his pride. Pray that God will heal his abused heart. Pray that God will overwhelm him with his love, a love that I felt very clearly and still feel right now.

Christians, prayer is the only thing that will make a difference. I can go out weekly and if no prayer happens, nothing will come of it! So pray for healing rain! Pray for holy fire! Pray for the glory of God!

Souls (3) {Total: 20}

S (crazy beliefs);

Team (2)

Tony, Mike

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A New Team Member!

2012 November 21 (7)


It's Witness Wednesday! Join me in gospel sharing at 6PM right here at Markville.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard last Sunday how there's no squirming out, that God's righteousness will be upheld one day. As it is written, "let God be true though every one were a liar" (Rom 3:4). This generation has more than just liars, we are also thieves, blasphemers, and adulterers. But there is hope! And His name is Jesus Christ! Our job is to proclaim Him to the nations. I'm doing it at the mall, who's doing it at your workplace, your school?


Blessed time tonight with my brother Mike Fenty sharing Christ with the people in Markville mall. Praise God that not a single person refused to talk with us and that every single conversation led to the gospel! If you've been out evangelizing before, you know how amazing that is.

Praise God for Ardy, who got to hear how hopeless he is without Christ. Pray that he will see the need for Christ and not just keep pushing it off. God needs to open his eyes now, we have done our part. We also met this interesting couple who knows much of religion and Jesus. Pray that continue to seek God and put all their hope in Jesus and his righteousness; not Jesus plus works, but Jesus alone. We even got to pray with them at the very end, right there in the food court.

Do not cease praying for us. Go, share the gospel with that one person God is telling you to share with. Receive this gospel today. Experience for yourself the joy in being God's messenger. I will pray for you too.

Souls (4) {Total: 17}


Team (2)

Tony, Mike

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Skipped a Week...

2012 November 14 (6)


You guessed it, it's Witness Wednesday again!

I know many of you are dying to come to Markville Mall at 6PM to evangelize with me. Others are dying to support this ministry with prayer. Yet others are dying to see Jesus lifted high in any way possible. The rest of you are just dying and need the gospel that gives life, which incidentally will be shared tonight!

Whatever happens tonight, this is my praise: "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." - Rom 11:36


Got to see Justin again (a guy I had evangelized to 6 weeks ago). After some more talking, I told him that I wanted to pray for him. He said yes and gave me prayer requests (the only guy in the mall who did). I told him how prayer is effective and that God listens. Pray that God will answer the prayer so that Justin will know that God is king and bow down before Him.

Also pray for Sang, who heard the entire gospel. He kept saying how he didn't want to talk about religion, but I kept talking about Jesus. Somehow we still kept talking for a while despite this apparent conflict. Praise God!

Souls (2) {Total: 13}


Team (1)


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Bad Week

2012 October 31 (5)


Yup, you guessed it. It's Witness Wednesday at Markville! Be there at 6PM to share the gospel.

Some of you might have heard the message at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region, namely Rom 2:12 "For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law." That means no one will be innocent, everyone will be guilty as charged on that final day. The real question is: What are you doing about it NOW, especially for those around you?

What's God telling you to do? Is it prayer? Then get on your knees. Is it to come out tonight? Then call me and we'll love on our neighbors together. But please, don't do nothing.


Met this devout Muslim guy called Zain and had a 45 mins conversation with him about God, Allah, Jesus, the Selat, and assurance of salvation (why I have it and why he doesn't). Praise God for opening doors for the gospel! I invited him to church too and he was actually very open to it! I pray that I'll see him on Sunday.

Souls (1) {Total: 11}

Z (Muslim)

Team (1)


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Method

2012 October 24 (4)


It's Witness Wednesday at Markville! Once again, I'm sharing the gospel at the mall at around 6PM.

Romans 2:9 "There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil"

Church family at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region, we must let our neighbors know that there is hope! Yes, tribulation will come but Jesus Christ has already come! Please participate by praying, our battles are fought and won on bended knees!


Great testimony from tonight:

This time when I went, I prayed for God to give me love for these people. Instead of going because of obedience, I wanted to see them how Jesus sees them. The Holy Spirit told me to just sit down with many people and say "Tell me your story." People just talked to me. This one guy asked me, "So what's your story?" I shared my testimony, about the truth of the gospel and the standard for Heaven. I shared the reality of sin and how God is ready to forgive.

Check this: This guy Alex was waiting for his friend Toni and for some reason she ditched him last minute. He sat there not knowing what to do until I showed up. I told him this was no coincidence and that God was calling out to him. As we kept talking (for 45 mins), I asked him what was stopping him from trusting in Christ. He said "Nothing!" Now he knew the commitment this would be, so he was still hesitant. But hopefully as we talk God will break him.

See, he asked for my number! He wanted to talk more! Usually it's me who does the number asking. Hah! God is tugging at him even right now. He is so close to being a new brother I can feel it! Pray for him! Thanks to all who prayed for me. God did an amazing work tonight and all you who prayed were part of it.

Harvest Bible Chapel York Region and church family everywhere, I can't do this without you. Glory to Jesus!

Souls (2) {Total: 10}


Team (1)


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Third Time's the Charm

2012 October 16 (3)


Christians at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region, we heard this past Sunday from Romans 1 that "the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men" (v18) and how "God gave them up" (v24) to all these things. We also know how they will be "receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error" (v27).

This penalty is the very same thing that Christ bled for! And these people are the very people that He died for! Let us tell them the good news, let us share this gospel which we have, how can we hide it?

Join Jason Lock and me (in prayer or in person) as we go to Markville this Wednesday at 6PM to share the gospel. Call/Text if you are coming.


Using many top ten lists, I asked people if they knew the top 10 highest grossing film, most populated cities... and the 10 commandments.

Lesson #1: Most people just don't want to be bothered.

Lesson #2: The ten commandments makes a more interesting conversation than the top ten movies. Talking about Exodus 20 naturally led to how everyone's a law breaker before a righteous God, which naturally led to how we all desperately need a saviour, who is Jesus Christ. Praise God for the conversation I had with this guy Jones, whom I talked with for a while, expounding on the gospel. At the end, he even asked me to add him on Facebook. Pray for more conversation!

Lesson #3: Facebook is an awesome evangelistic tool.

Souls (3) {Total: 8}


Team (1)


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Second Time

2012 October 10 (2)


‎"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" - Rom 1:16

Church family (Harvest Bible Chapel York Region and others), are you proud of the gospel of Jesus Christ? If so, join me around 6PM tonight at Markville Mall to preach it in this evangelistic effort. Come "eager to preach the gospel" (v15). If you are unable to come, mention me in your prayers without ceasing (v9), so that the power of God may be unleashed through me tonight, that souls may be saved.

Call/text me if you are coming.


Apparently it's weird when a stranger approaches you when you're eating to talk about where you are spending eternity. Whatever.

One conversation stood out. The guy was so shy and so quiet that he responded only with one word answers to everything I asked. But he kept listening, so I kept talking and explaining the full gospel to him. Praise God for the opportunity to evangelize and for willing ears! Thank you to all who prayed.

Souls (3) {Total: 5}

3 guys

Team (1)


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The First One

2012 October 3 (1)


For we who call ourselves Christians, we are (like Paul in Rom 1:1) "set apart for the gospel of God".

I will be at Markville Mall (in Markham) tonight at 6PM for an hour or two, proclaiming this same gospel that we were set apart for. I'll be talking to random people in the food court about "his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom 1:4).

Believer, join me if you are near the area, pray for me if you are far. Pray for them too, for our God is so near to us, yet so far from them. Text/Call me if you are coming.


Though discouraging at first, God worked tonight. I've been so blessed in the past few months that I had forgotten what it feels like to be rejected time and time again, pushed away and glared at. Nevertheless, God honors faithfulness, not fruitfulness. Seeds were planted and it is only him who can make them grow.

Pray for Justin especially as I got to walk with him around the mall, sharing about where he will spend eternity and about the need of Jesus Christ on that fateful day. Live for eternity guys! There is no other life worth living for!

Souls (2) {Total: 2}

Asian guy

Team (1)
