Monday, December 24, 2012

A Big Group

2012 December 24 (12)


Gonna be bringing Christ back to Christmas at Markville Mall from 4PM-6PM today. Join us for... Mission Monday?

The mall will be jam packed today, perfect time to evangelize! What's more, there are a lot more people joining us than usual. Praise God! Please pray for soft hearts and ready souls. What's more, we will be inviting people to come to Harvest Bible Chapel York Region's Christmas Eve service at 6PM. That's like a one-two punch in gospel sharing if people go. If you want to join us, send me a message. There are going to be so many people there who don't know the true meaning of Christmas and how Jesus came to "save his people from their sins" (Matt 1:21). We aim to rectify that situation. :) And again, I cannot stress enough, pray, pray, pray.

Soli Deo Gloria!


We had eight people come out today. Eight! We had such a big team that I even tried to evangelize to someone who was already evangelized to moments earlier. The conversation went something like this:

Him: "This guy already talked to me."
Me: "Ya? What did he say?"
Him: "Something about God, sin, Hell, eternal life..."

Haha! This is how it should be! There was another instance of this too! I wish this would happen every week. I'm so thankful for the people who faithfully prayed during this time. As a result, the Holy Spirit spoke through us with the full force of God almighty, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm also thankful to my brothers in arms, who came out to the frontlines with me, Mike, Josiah, Norman, Matthew, Isaac, Joshua, Adam. I was blessed today through your boldness and obedience. We have sown the seed, now let's wait for God to make them grow. And I know He will, so praise His holy name!

Souls (7) {Total: 55}

K, A

Team (8)

Tony, Joshua; Mike, Isaac; Josiah, Norman; Matthew, Adam

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Almost Christmas

2012 December 18 (11)


It's Testify Tuesday! New name, same deal. 6PM at Markville Mall. Sharing about Jesus to everyone there. Please join us and/or pray for us.

Those of you who were at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region last Sunday heard from Matt 1. Matt 1:23 says, "...and they shall call his name Immanuel." Immanuel means "God with us". Do you see the significance of this? God will be with us. You, me! We are sinners, unclean people, His enemies... and He is with us? How does this not blow you away? God is with us! He will never leave us or forsake us! And this God gave us a commission at the end of Matthew in Matt 28:19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Jesus is Immanuel; Matthew promised it in the first chapter and Jesus promised it in the last.

My brothers and sisters, as Jesus fulfilled HIS commission, fulfill YOUR commission! Experience "God with us"! There is nothing on earth as sweet as being in the presence of my beautiful savior. I exhort you to join us, even in prayer, especially in prayer. I urge you to be in His presence, whether you are a believer or not. I beg of you to trust Him as your Lord and not just savior, it is the only way to be saved! His name is Jesus, Immanuel, almighty God. With. Us!


Praise God for many conversations. Some were good, some were bad. But the gospel was shared in all cases. Praise God also for faithful men like Mike Fenty and Ben Sampson who keep coming out. If you want to know details, ask us when you see us next.

PS. There was one guy whom I thought for sure was going to accept Christ as Lord and savior right there, but I guess appearances can be deceiving.

Souls (9) {Total: 48}

M, R, A;
J, L;
3 Hindu guys

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


2012 December 11 (10)


It's time to witness again... on Tuesday! Join us as we go to Markville mall at 7PM to share the good news of Christ.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday how God has promised Christ since Adam and Eve's catastrophic failure. We now have the second Adam. We are free from the curse of sin. We have eternal life! Sadly, many in this world do not. :( And that is what we're here to do: to tell the world about the hope that is in Christ. Do it and you'll see the power of God first hand. Oh what a sight to behold!


I'm thankful for my brothers in arms, Mike Fenty and Ben Sampson for tonight's battle. The gospel was shared very clearly with many people. Too tired now... Will update at a later time... Mike, I need that list of names.

Souls (7) {Total: 39}

K, G, S

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting on Our Knees in the Mall

2012 December 4 (9)


Witness Wednesday is now happening on Tuesdays! I know, we need a new name now. But no matter, come join us at 6PM at Markville Mall for some gospel sharing.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday from Rom 3:23-24 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith."

Faith family, the Christmas season is upon us, where Christ is preached all over the radio. Don't waste this opportunity! Share this gift of grace. Share about the blood that was shed. Share what Christmas is all about! I have some surveys that'll make sharing "easy" too. Get in touch with me and I can send you PDF's. Join me in prayer as we bring Christ back to Christmas, starting tonight at Markville Mall.


Awesome testimonies tonight! For starters, we have a new person joining the team of evangelists. Ben Sampson joined Mike Fenty and myself at Markville. It's great to see how God is growing the team, and from different churches too. This is unity in the body! In the past three weeks, we've tripled our numbers! Hah! Praise God!

We talked to quite a number of people tonight, one group being four teenagers going to a catholic school. We opened up by asking them about Christmas and it naturally led to who Christ was. All of them heard the gospel. One of them in particular (Anton) was so scared of dying and of Hell too that he'd sometimes lie in bed just thinking about it. He said things like "If I died now I'd probably go to Hell. Of course I'm scared." and "How do you know it is real?" You could see God pulling at him. We shared about our absolute confidence in Christ and how we don't have to be afraid anymore. He knows, but he's just not quite there. Pray that God will grow the seeds planted.

And after two hours, we thought we were done so we prayed in the mall as we usually do. After we were done, we noticed how this lady was sitting beside us. In fact, there were quite a number of people there near us. We felt prompted to share the gospel with her, and as we started she said how she was a Christian and how she's so encouraged by what we're doing. After some more talking and brief sharing of her story, she said how she wants to come to the church I go to (Harvest Bible Chapel York Region). In fact, I've never met someone so eager to come to church! We got her number and some of you might even meet her on Sunday!

Brothers and sisters in Christ, share the gospel with someone this week! Don't waste this Christmas season. God has brought you into their life for this very reason! So that they can have what you have: a relationship with God.

Souls (12) {Total: 32}

C, A, S, A (Catholic kids);
White family;
R, A, N, J (family that later came to church)

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben