Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Girl who Cried

2013 January 29 (17)


Evangelism on Testify Tuesday! 6PM at Markville Mall. Come, or pray. Please?

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday from Romans. Rom 5:8, a verse I often use in evangelism says, "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." God's love has been poured into our hearts (v5), it has been lavished on us. If you're a Christian, you know what this feels like. You know the depths of your sin and thus the magnitude of His love. When we were still sinners, enemies of God (v10), Christ died for us, for you, for me!

You know that you're saved, good. But are you content to let other sinners sink into Hell without ever feeling this love? Are you happy to just let your neighbors die and face the wrath of God? Are you okay with being polite with your friends all the way to the gates of Hell? To never warn them? To never tell of God's love, just waiting for them if they will trust Christ!? Christian, this cannot be right! Preach the gospel! Speak of Christ! I'm not doing it because I have to. I'm doing it because His love compels me to (2 Cor 5:14)! Let it control you too!


Testimony time! God encountered a girl tonight in Spirit and in power!

Tonight, there was this one girl who had gone through so much bad stuff at her old church that she didn't consider herself a "Christian" anymore, though she read the Bible and prayed every day. She shared how she had wanted to walk away from God back in October but someone, through God, told her to hold on for something in the future. Today, she had an especially bad day (details withheld) and wasn't sure what to hold onto anymore. Her boss let her off work early (for no reason) and that's when she met us.

We usually don't approach girls but I had just seen her in my prayers. She asked us why we are talking to her; I told her plainly that God had sent us. God worked powerfully in her as we kept sharing about what fellowship is and about Christ's church. She had prayed for God to show up that day and we were the answer to that prayer! As we kept talking and Ben shared his heart about true church and true Christianity, she began to cry. After a while she just burst into tears, unable to hold in all the emotions anymore.

She met God that night in a very real and powerful way. She was lost and honestly seeking direction, God found her and is bringing her back to Himself! Pray that God won't let her go. Pray that He won't let any of us go...

Tonight, we were blessed with so much prayer from so many people. That by itself is reason enough to praise God. When Ben Sampson and I were praying, we begged God to show His power and to give us fruit. God did. Our God is faithful. Praise His awesome name!

Souls (5) {Total: 82}

Asian young couple;
Mentor & mentee (big brother program);
G (cried)

Team (2)

Tony, Ben

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Praying for People

2013 January 22 (16)


Testify Tuesday is here again! We are going to Markville Mall at 6PM to evangelize, please pray for us.

Some of you heard this Sunday at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region that Abraham was "fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised" (Rom 4:21). Well, I am fully convinced of this truth too. Jesus has promised that He will always be with us (Matt 28:20). Our Lord has promised to never leave us (Deut 31:6). We know God wants all people to be saved (1 Tim 2:4) and He wants to do it through us (1 Cor 3:9). Yes, I am fully convinced that God is fully able to do this, I am FULLY convinced that God will save people and draw them to Himself.

And I am the tool that God will use to accomplish this purpose. If you are a Christian, you are His instrument too. Be in prayer with me that He finds a willing heart, not a rebellious one. He IS faithful, He WILL do it, praise be His name!


This week we had an explosive growth in people coming out. That by itself is an amazing answered prayer. Mike Fenty, Ben Sampson, Josiah Spence, Ashley Marie, Samantha Ko, Norman Wong... It was so encouraging to have people praying for us (Ben, Jack, others). I was also so happy to see this many brothers and sisters joining us in the reaching of the unsaved. We are fighting this war together! And our army is growing larger and larger every week, praise God!

This week, it seems a key theme was prayer. At least three of us had the opportunity to pray for random people we encountered, right there in the mall! May God cause them to themselves get on their knees before our Lord Jesus Christ.

We were also rejected a lot, at least my group was. But that's to be expected. And we still got the gospel out regardless. I know there are some amazing stories to be shared because I know some of those guys had really good and long conversations (ie. Ben). Actually, I'd really like to hear those stories too. So please share.

Souls (9) {Total: 77}

R, K (army guy);
S, A;
J, J(Christians);

Team (7)

Tony, Ashley; Mike, Samantha; Ben, Josiah, Norman

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weird Joy

2013 January 15 (15)


It's Testify Tuesday friends! That means we are going to Markville Mall tonight (5:40PM) to proclaim Christ to whoever will talk with us.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday how it is by faith alone we are saved. Rom 4:11 talks about "a seal of the righteousness that he [Abraham] had by faith." Praise God that all we need to do is believe in the Lord Jesus and we shall be saved (Acts 16:31). Praise God we don't need to read the Bible, we don't need to pray, we don't need to evangelize, for it is by faith alone! Sola fide! But wait, why don't you read the Bible? If God has saved you, why aren't you listening to what He's telling you through His word. If God so loves you, why aren't you talking to Him in prayer? If God so commanded, why aren't you sharing the good news of Jesus Christ?

Brothers, sisters, in the name of Christ, wake up! "Faith apart from works is dead!" (James 2:26) Bathe in His rich word daily! Pray in the Spirit unceasingly. And evangelize to the whole world fervently! You don't have to do so at the mall, go to your family, your coworker. But please, do something... Pray also for us, that as we go tonight, words may be given us that we proclaim the gospel boldly, as we ought (Eph 6:19-20).

Dry bones, be dead no longer. Live! Live by faith, live in Christ.


Last night was a good experience. The three of us went and were a bit tired at first and didn't want to be there. So we spent even more time in prayer at the beginning than we usually do. We spoke to these guys who actually admitted to being sinners deserving of Hell. We were also encouraged by the whole experience, that is how prayer uplifts a spirit that is not willing. We didn't see masses converting or anything like that, but we saw our own hearts get molded by God. And the gospel message did get out. So overall, tonight was a great success. :)

Souls (3) {Total: 68}

I, S;

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Discouraging Night

2013 January 8 (14)


It's Testify Tuesday! We are going to Markville Mall at 6PM tonight to share our savior with people.

Phil 3:18 says, "For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ." Do you know what happens to enemies of the most powerful being in the universe? But is hope for them in Christ Jesus, and we must tell them! Brothers and sisters, especially those who heard from Philippians at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region last Sunday, do something with the message. Do you weep for them? Christian, where is your compassion, where are your tears? God has called me to evangelize, so I will beg them to repent. If He has called you to pray, cry out for their souls! But please, oh please, feel the overwhelming love that caused Paul to weep and the painful love that caused Jesus to die... Can you feel it?


Thank you Chris. Tonight was... interesting. I have to admit, I really didn't want to go this week. But I knew I had to. I'm glad I did at the end but it was still bittersweet. Perhaps Mike or Ben can fill you guys in. So thankful for these faithful guys.

Amen to that Mike. When we don't feel like it, we just gotta obey. Chris, please keep praying for us, prayer is the most essential component. I can't point to any one thing Chris, it was just weird and discouraging at times. But we were still uplifted in spirit. It's like a spiritual battle that saw both advances and pushbacks from the enemy. That's why we need more prayer warriors supporting us.

Souls (5) {Total: 65}

R, M;
G, C+1 (Filipino guys)

Team (3)

Tony, Mike, Ben

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Salvation in the House!

2013 January 2 (13)


Happy new year! Let's kick off 2013 with evangelism tonight at Markville Mall at 6PM. Message me if you are coming.

Some of you heard at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region this Sunday about the cost of discipleship. When Jesus tells us to follow Him, it is not easy, it requires work. Luke 9:60 reads, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." I think this is pretty clear. Have you left everything behind or are you still carrying on to something? Are you counting the costs? Are you really following Jesus? If you are, do what He says! Go and proclaim the kingdom of God! Go share the gospel!

Share it with your family, tell it to your friends, talk about it with your coworkers, and if none of those work out, come out to the mall with us! But don't just do nothing. Above all, pray. Your prayers do more than any other action can accomplish. Pray for me too, I covet those prayers. If you are Christian, may we say to Jesus truthfully, "I will follow you wherever you go" and do it.


Testimony time! Evangelism was great tonight. Here it is in summary form:

1. This Chinese guy who's never heard the gospel listened to everything I said. When I got to the part where I said Jesus was the only way anyone could get to God in Heaven and that there's absolutely no other way, he was so taken back that he literally fell backwards. He regained his balance right after. See, he understood it and responded better to the gospel than most: in awe.

2. This Tamil guy Raghulan was another good conversation. Mike and I shared the gospel with him very clearly, using the courtroom analogy too. This was the first time that we encountered someone at Markville who agreed so much with what we said. He completely understood that he was a sinner. He knew that he could not get to Heaven by his own works. He agreed and believed so much that for a moment it seemed like he already knew it. At the end, we told him how He could go before Christ any time he wanted. We also told him about the cost of discipleship, how it's not going to be easy at all, but that it will be worth it. He asked for our numbers after without us asking! Pray that God will convict Raghulan to repent tonight!

3. Ask Josiah about this when you see him. We also encountered someone whom God is already working in, saving his brother, having a Christian wife, etc. He said "Jesus is following me". And he even said "It's like Jesus is coming to me through you". This is incredible! That is exactly what we are doing, bringing Jesus to these people. Oh that more people would encounter God through us. Come Lord Jesus come!

My brothers and sisters in Christ, join us in proclaiming Jesus to these people. Join us in fixing our eyes on eternity. Join us in partnering with God in the salvation of the lost. Join us in unceasing prayer for the world. Join us in this great work of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. THIS is the Christian life, THIS is life abundant!

PS. It was only supposed to be one paragraph... I tried keeping it short, sorry, I failed.

More Testimony

Salvation! Raghulan prayed to trust Christ as Lord and savior! Read more in above blog link.

Souls (5) {Total: 60}

A, K (Christian wife, non-Christian husband);
Chinese guy

Team (3)

Tony, Mike; Josiah