Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Long Conversation

2012 November 28 (8)


It's Witness Wesdnesday! I get to go to Markville Mall at 7PM and tell people about Jesus, woohoo! Mike Fenty is joining me, you could too.

Some of you heard this Sunday at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region that "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God." (Rom 3:10-11) That means the chances of encountering someone who is in desperate need of God is pretty high. NO ONE is righteous, that means EVERYONE needs Christ. I repeat: EVERYONE. Those who have Christ still need the gospel preached to them every single day. Christian, don't hold it in, how can you? You don't have to share with everyone, but when was the last time you did with anyone?


Tonight, what happened during witnessing was not expected at all. Mike Fenty and I spent the majority of the time (2 hours) talking to this one guy, Saikit. He needs Christ.

It was a circular argument from beginning to end, us talking about the same points over and over again. But when Mike asked about his story, that's when the Holy Spirit melted my heart for him. I can't share all the personal details but Saikit really, really wants God to be real. And for eight or more years he's gone through much suffering. He wants to believe but he says he has to remain "intellectually honest". Of course we had our rebuttal for that. He says he hasn't heard a single answered prayer in the past eight years.

Pray for him. We told him that we would pray for God to show himself to be real, to answer prayers in the only way that God does: for His glory. Pray that God will break his pride. Pray that God will heal his abused heart. Pray that God will overwhelm him with his love, a love that I felt very clearly and still feel right now.

Christians, prayer is the only thing that will make a difference. I can go out weekly and if no prayer happens, nothing will come of it! So pray for healing rain! Pray for holy fire! Pray for the glory of God!

Souls (3) {Total: 20}

S (crazy beliefs);

Team (2)

Tony, Mike

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A New Team Member!

2012 November 21 (7)


It's Witness Wednesday! Join me in gospel sharing at 6PM right here at Markville.

Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard last Sunday how there's no squirming out, that God's righteousness will be upheld one day. As it is written, "let God be true though every one were a liar" (Rom 3:4). This generation has more than just liars, we are also thieves, blasphemers, and adulterers. But there is hope! And His name is Jesus Christ! Our job is to proclaim Him to the nations. I'm doing it at the mall, who's doing it at your workplace, your school?


Blessed time tonight with my brother Mike Fenty sharing Christ with the people in Markville mall. Praise God that not a single person refused to talk with us and that every single conversation led to the gospel! If you've been out evangelizing before, you know how amazing that is.

Praise God for Ardy, who got to hear how hopeless he is without Christ. Pray that he will see the need for Christ and not just keep pushing it off. God needs to open his eyes now, we have done our part. We also met this interesting couple who knows much of religion and Jesus. Pray that continue to seek God and put all their hope in Jesus and his righteousness; not Jesus plus works, but Jesus alone. We even got to pray with them at the very end, right there in the food court.

Do not cease praying for us. Go, share the gospel with that one person God is telling you to share with. Receive this gospel today. Experience for yourself the joy in being God's messenger. I will pray for you too.

Souls (4) {Total: 17}


Team (2)

Tony, Mike

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Skipped a Week...

2012 November 14 (6)


You guessed it, it's Witness Wednesday again!

I know many of you are dying to come to Markville Mall at 6PM to evangelize with me. Others are dying to support this ministry with prayer. Yet others are dying to see Jesus lifted high in any way possible. The rest of you are just dying and need the gospel that gives life, which incidentally will be shared tonight!

Whatever happens tonight, this is my praise: "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." - Rom 11:36


Got to see Justin again (a guy I had evangelized to 6 weeks ago). After some more talking, I told him that I wanted to pray for him. He said yes and gave me prayer requests (the only guy in the mall who did). I told him how prayer is effective and that God listens. Pray that God will answer the prayer so that Justin will know that God is king and bow down before Him.

Also pray for Sang, who heard the entire gospel. He kept saying how he didn't want to talk about religion, but I kept talking about Jesus. Somehow we still kept talking for a while despite this apparent conflict. Praise God!

Souls (2) {Total: 13}


Team (1)
