Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ben's Last Day

2013 Jul 30 (43)


It is here again, Testify Tuesday. It means once again we are going to Markville Mall at 6:30PM to share the gospel. It also means that we'll need your prayers once again.

I often wonder, when you read this now, do you feel anything? Do you just think of this as another thing that Tony, Mike, Ben, and others do? Or do you realize that a real battle is being waged, and we are in serious need of more soldiers? Do you pray fervently, pleading with God for His power to be made known while evangelists like us do local missions? Because we need you to.

Yes, and that is what we are doing. We are local missionaries, preaching the gospel to people who have never heard it before. We have not once asked for money even though we do the same work (also because it doesn't really cost anything, except gas, tracts, etc.). We send out "mission updates" every week as do missionaries (in fact, they do it less frequently). We face much depression and discouragement weekly, especially on Tuesdays, as would missionaries. Our hearts burn and cry for the lost, as should anyone who truly believes in Hell.

I urge you, take this seriously. We spend thousands going on mission trips to foreign, exotic places, but the field is ripe for harvest right here! Christian, labor exactly where you are. Only then should you start thinking about going anywhere else.


Ben's Future
Tomorrow I begin the first week of a new stage in my life. I have just quit my full-time job to head to Vancouver in Sept for 3+ years to study the Bible (Master of Divinity). Hopefully, one day, I will work in the Church/Para-Church in some major capacity

If you had told me a few years ago that this would be the case, I would have laughed at you. If you knew me back then, you know this is true! If you know me now, I want you to know that my faith in Jesus is responsible for this change. I submit this knowing that I struggle to consistently demonstrate behaviour taught by Christ, in the Bible.

I honestly feel like a normal guy, whatever that means. I just want all of my virtual friends to have faith to not be afraid to take risks that they believe will make a maximum impact for God. Thanks for your time... I'll miss you GTA

Souls (16) {Total: 347}

R, R, A;
C (atheist);
A (Catholic);
J (Catholic);
Group of teenagers;
R (gave email)

Team (8)

Tony, Linda, Matthew; Mike, Stephen; Ben, Ryan, Abbey

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