Tuesday, May 28, 2013

God Answered Our Prayer! Someone Got Saved!

2013 May 28 (34)


6:30PM, Markville Mall, Testify Tuesday. Be there or be praying. Please? We NEED your prayers.

I’d like all you Christians reading this to be praying for these two things:
1. At least one more team member (anyone is welcome to join us)
2. At least one person come to saving faith and discipled

This is the last Tuesday for May. God has already answered the first item. Now we are begging Him for the second. Know that when it happens, it will not be by coincidence or the power of man, but because my God is real and my God is powerful. Glory to my God, my Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

Pray with me, my family at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region and my family from afar.


God answers prayer! Both items have been answered! Someone trusted Christ as Lord and savior tonight!!!

Remember how for the month of May we asked God for two things, a team member and a saved person? Got gave us many new team members. Shout out to Ryan and Melinda, who encouraged Mike, Ben, and myself greatly. God also saved someone tonight! I ran into K, whom God brought to me. As I explained everything, he told me many times how "If you put it this way, it makes so much sense." I really focused on the fear of the Lord as I talked about the reality of death and the harshness of Hell. At one time, he told me, "Now you're just scaring me."

Hell is scary! But praise the Holy Spirit for opening his eyes to see everything so clearly for the first time and the desperate need for Christ to be saved. He kept saying, "My mind is just blown!" After we prayed together right there against the railing on the second story of Markville Mall, he said he felt this burden lifted off. Praise God!

Please, please keep praying for K. He got my contact information and said he'll be coming to church as well as promising me he'll read the gospel of John. I told him how real Satan is. So please, pray that Satan won't snatch him away, scorching him with the sun or choking him with the thorns (Matt 13:6-7). Pray that I can disciple him. It's no coincidence that we focused so much on prayer this month. Prayer IS where everything happens!

I'm reminded of all the fasting and praying we've been doing. You there, do you see this? Do you see God answering prayer? Did I not say that my God is real and powerful and mighty to save? Did I not say that He hears our cries? Did I not say that this WILL happen and that when it does, you should glorify God?

Well, this did happen! God did increase our team. God did save someone in the month of May, just as we prayed. Do you still doubt the faithfulness of God? Doubt no more Christian. Doubt no more atheist. My God IS real and very powerful. So glorify God! It's all Him! Believe in Him, and you WILL be saved (Acts 16:31).


PS. Harvest Bible Chapel York Region, look forward to meeting a new brother this weekend. :)
PPS. Check out http://testifytuesday.blogspot.ca/, especially the month of May, for more testimonies.

Souls (11) {Total: 264}

E, G (E's gf, pastor's kid);
M, T;
K (salvation)

Team (5)

Tony; Ben, Melinda; Mike, Ryan

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

He Asked All the Right Questions!

2013 May 21 (33)


It is Testify Tuesday. That means at 6:30PM, a bunch of us will be sharing the gospel at Markville Mall.

I’d like all you Christians reading this to be praying for these two things:
1. At least one more team member (anyone is welcome to join us)
2. At least one person come to saving faith and discipled

We are praying for God to do something amazing this month of May. It’s going to happen. So watch, and pray. Pray to Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col 1:27). Pray that people won’t just have excellent days, but excellent eternities.

Seminarian attending Harvest Bible Chapel York Region,


You want to read this! We have an amazing testimony tonight sharing the gospel at the mall!

We approached this high school kid Mike to ask him what he thought the worst suffering he can imagine is. He mentioned depression, physical pain, and death. This led perfectly into a definition of Hell. After spending a few more minutes elaborating on Hell and assuring him of his status as a sinner with no hope, Melinda came in and shared about the hope in Jesus Christ, about justification by grace through faith (Eph 2:8). It was a perfect tag team's one-two punch!

Initially he seemed put off, but as we talked more, he became more and more engaged. When asked if he thought this was interesting, he said straightforwardly that he'd have left if it wasn't. He then asked really good questions like what the cross meant and who Jesus was, to which we gave a brief history lesson. He also asked how we came to be Christian, to which I shared my personal testimony. He even asked what it meant to pray and how we know God is talking to us! He asked many more pertinent questions, those that only genuinely interested people ask.

Near the end, he asked whether sufferings will cease once we believe, to which we shared the cost of discipleship, essentially telling him that even if he believed, life might even get harder as persecution comes. But this aroma of Christ was definitely a fragrance of life to him (cf. 2 Cor 2:15-16). It's so obvious that the Holy Spirit was working in him, tugging him to give his life to Christ.

We asked what was stopping him from entering into this saving relationship with God, to which he said "Nothing"! Though he wasn't comfortable praying with us then, he has our number and seems interested in either youth group or meeting up to discuss further. Pray for him to call me.

Christian, don't stop believing that God can use you in any encounter if you put yourself out there. Don't stop praying for our new friend to be saved, as he is so ready! Don't stop sharing the gospel for the harvest is oh so plentiful (Matt 9:37)!

-Tony, Ben, Mike, Melinda

Souls (6) {Total: 253}

Older couple;

Team (4)

Tony, Melinda; Ben, Mike

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

God Brought More People

2013 May 14 (32)


Testify Tuesday, 6:30PM, Markville Mall. You know how I feel about evangelism. Please, pray with us. We got two requests that we hope God will answer this month:

1. At least one more team member
2. At least one person come to saving faith and discipled

Do you believe God hears and answers prayers? We do. Prayer is where things happen. Going out is but a mere byproduct of hours of prayer. We are tired of watching death rule this world. We refuse to idly sit by and do nothing! No, we shall preach life; we shall preach Christ. So pray with us.

Evangelist at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region,


Today, we had a team of 6. Praise God! He grew the team! These are the evangelist tonight: Mike, Ben, Linda, Timo, and Melinda. Though some came out for the first time, their boldness and obedience were really encouraging to me.

I will share one story: We talked to this girl Christine for a long time. She's a very kind person. She grew up in a Christian home and believed in this kind of new age spirituality. As we shared the prison analogy and how Christ came to save us, she was just agreeing with everything we said. She even elaborated on how painful it must have been for Him to have died on the cross. She agreed how punishment for sin has to be dealt and it has to be death.

We could have just prayed for her, but that wouldn't be sharing the gospel. She didn't believe in the blood of Christ as the sole propitiation for her sins and didn't see Him as Lord and savior. And she needed to... After a while, we finally shared enough for her to say this, "I respect you for your views, but I don't exactly see it like that." She rejected the gospel...

I experienced more joy in this rejection than I have in recent memory. I rejoiced because she finally understood what we were saying. She understood that what she believes and what we believe are vastly different. She understood that being a Christian isn't about doing good, it's about Christ and His cross. See, you can't reject something you don't know. If she rejected us, that means she now knows the gospel. The seed has taken root! Whatever it grows up to be is no longer my responsibility, it is God's. And for that, I rejoice. Because I know that there's no better hands to be in than the loving hands of my God (cf. 2 Sam 24:14).

Souls (15) {Total: 247}

F, Miss H;
I, C, M;
3 ladies (mother and daughters);

Team (6)

Tony, Timo; Ben, Linda; Mike, Melinda

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Testing the Power of Prayer

2013 May 7 (31)


This Testify Tuesday, where we go out to Markville Mall to evangelize at 6:30PM, we are asking foremost for prayer.

For the next month, no more exhortation to go. No more pushing people out of their comfort zone through posts. Just simple prayer to an almighty God. In the next month, I am asking God for 2 things:

1. At least one more team member
2. At least one person come to saving faith and discipled

I know, small goals... But we are a small team. And I'm just a small guy whose heart cries for the lost. But my God is big, and He is faithful. And I know He will answer those prayers. Watch, watch and pray with me. Then in a month, rejoice with me.

Just a random guy from Harvest Bible Chapel York Region doing evangelism,
— with Mike Fenty.


Update: Ben and I were the only two people there tonight. And we were both tired. I'm still tired. We did have 4 good gospel conversations, though they walked away, we know we gave them something to think about. It's times like this that we can only pray and trust that God knows what He's doing. Because sometimes from our perspective, it can get discouraging...

Souls (7) {Total: 232}

C, N;
V & girlfriend;
E, I

Team (2)

Tony, Ben