Tuesday, April 30, 2013


2013 April 30 (30)


I think all of you see Testify Tuesday as a normal thing now. You might think: "Every Tuesday, a bunch of guys go to Markville Mall at 6:30PM to evangelize. Good for them." Hmm.

Harvest Bible Chapel York Region preached from Jonah 2-3 this weekend. Jonah evangelized at evil Nineveh, and they believed! "From the greatest of them to the least" (Jonah 3:5)! He got to witness one of the quickest massive revival in recorded history! What do you think of when you hear that? Do you think, "Oh, good for them"? Or do you cry out, "Lord I want a revival here too"? Do you sit around doing nothing about it or are you willing to act to make a difference, however small. Do you seek a revival? Then DO something! If I can do it at the mall, you can do it in your sphere of influence too! Arise, and go!

Christ-follower, I don't want to guilt anyone into coming out to evangelize with us. In fact, if guilt is the reason you're coming, I'd rather you stay home and work things out with God. I don't want you to feel guilty... But how can you exhort without creating guilt? *sighs*

I must sound like a broken record since every week it's the same exhortation. I'm sorry... But I will never stop. I will never EVER stop until the whole world knows of my beautiful savior and the global church mobilized to do just that! This is the goal of Testify Tuesday: To Testify to the lost the urgent need for Christ and to testify to the church the urgent need to evangelize.


Desperation. The condition for many of us as we headed in, desperately hoping to see people saved, to have them run into the loving arms of Heaven and not the fiery depths of Hell. How are people not seeing the wrath awaiting them!?

Discouragement. That was how we felt after tonight as we spent so long talking to people who just brushed what we said right off.

Weakness. Knowing that our words fell on deaf ears and that no matter how eloquent we were or how many Bible verses we quoted, the Spirit was the one who has the power to save souls, not us.

God is the only one who has the power to save. It's always ever been only Him. It's good to be once again grounded in that truth during this "off week". Nevertheless, the lesson has its fair share of tears. Please pray for us.

The brave warriors: Mike Fenty, Ben Sampson, Dorothy Leung.

Souls (6) {Total: 225}

A, N, A;
White guy

Team (4)

Tony, Mike, Ben; Dorothy

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jackson's Last Week

2013 April 23 (29)


What is Testify Tuesday? Well, a group of us go to Markville Mall at 6:30PM every Tuesday to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with whomever will listen. Why do I? A better question is why don't you? Does scripture command it you ask? I'm glad you asked. :) Yes it does.

My church's (Harvest Bible Chapel York Region) sermon was on Jonah 1 this weekend. God told Jonah simply, "Arise, go" (v2). Even the ship captain told Jonah to "Arise, call out" (v6). Jesus told a dead girl, "Arise" and she rose (Mark 5:41). Even a dead little girl obeyed Christ! Do you? Awake, O sleeping Christian, and ARISE; let Christ shine on you (Eph 5:14)! Arise! And go! GO and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19)! Go to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)! Go!

But where Tony? To the mall? No, not to the mall. Do come if God is calling you to. But for most, I know it is not to the mall that you must first go. It is to prayer. It is to the word. It is to the cross. It is to His feet. It is to His life! Follower of Christ, we are all really going to the same place and that place is Jesus. Like Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68). Arise... and go. — with Mike Fenty and Ben Sampson.


A few of us were out sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the mall again last night! This was the last time I’ll be able to go for a while, since I’m moving away next week. It was great partnering in the Gospel with everyone who came last night, as well as everybody who’s been out over the last few months.

Some highlights from last night:
1. One lady who had gone through a lot of hard times in her life understood the Gospel and took a Bible to learn more. (It sounds like God had already been at work in her life far before us – but isn’t this always the case?).
2. Mike had a great chat over dinner with a guy who we’ve run into several times at the mall. It’s so neat to see longer-lasting relationships like this that we can continue week by week!

The last few months of sharing the Gospel at the mall have been a great encouragement to me, too. Going to the mall is certainly not the only way of telling others about Jesus… but for me, it’s been an amazing reminder to be bold in the relationships I’m a part of every day, as I have opportunity. I had gotten lax about this, but God says in His Word about Jesus, “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” I’m praying that God would give me boldness as I move to a new place to be the light of Christ there, not just in actions, but also in words. — with Mike Fenty and 3 others.

Souls (8) {Total: 219}

3 Chinese guys;
T, L, D;
J (sunglasses guy)

Team (5)

Tony, Mike, Jackson; Dorothy; Linda

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Barrage of Testimonies!

2013 April 16 (28)


Testify Tuesday. Markville Mall. 6:30PM. Preach Jesus. Come/Pray.

This weekend at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region I heard from Rom 8:9-11... I heard a sermon, like many before it. And now I'm going to the mall with a team of Christians to preach this same good news of Jesus Christ to others who need to hear it.

I want to be honest though. I'm tired. Right now I'm on my lunch break at work, and tonight I have a paper to write for seminary. I'm tired. A part of me just wants to go home, eat dinner, and not even do my paper...

I'm no superman. I don't always get excited about sharing the gospel. I'm no elite evangelist. I don't pray enough. I can't even share eloquently half the time. I'm just a guy honestly trying to do the things Christ tells me to do as best I can. I know many people coming tonight are like that too (ie. Mike, Ben). So no, I won't just go home and eat dinner, I WILL proclaim the gospel at the mall tonight. I have to, for people have to hear this gospel! This is life! And without it, all they'll have is death... eternal death (Matt 25:46). How CAN I keep quiet...?

So please, pray for us. We need it, I need it... Pray too for the people we'll soon encounter, they'll need it even more. And pray for yourself, for your own walk with Christ. Know that I'll be praying with you too.


Today (at Testify Tuesday with Tony Chuang, Ben Sampson and others from Harvest Bible Chapel York Region), we proclaimed the gospel at Markville Mall again. Today I came in feeling very very very tired and a bit apprehensive. Staying at home would have been the easiest thing to do. Today Jackson and I were partners and the first two conversations appeared as though they were flops and we may never know what the outcome of them will be, but the gospel was proclaimed. We planted, others may water, but it is God that gives the increase. There's a huge group of older Macedonian guys and their wives that meet every single day at the mall to hang out. We had always wanted to approach them, but were scared. Well, today was that day! It went really well and opened the door for future conversations. There are there every week...no, actually they're there every day! Anyways, Psalm 28 says "the joy of the Lord is my strength and my shield" and that was so true of us when we concluded tonight. Praise God for more opportunities!

Amazed and humbled truely, by what God did at Markville Mall today at Testify/ evangelism Tuesday.
Dorothy and I had the opportunity to engage in two conversations.
The first, we talked to a group of three who vaguely knew about heaven and hell, but categorized it as just another "experience". We did walk away encouraged that after sharing the gospel and asking about prayer requests we were able to pray with them.
Our second conversation,was with an individual who says he is a Christian. We wanted to "toil the soil" to reach a deeper understanding of where he stood and weren't quite sure, yet again walked away encouraged that we could pray for him. We invited him to come check out Harvest. Let's pray that he does! God is good and truely the joy of the LORD is our strength!!! — with Mike Fenty and 4 others.

Was reading a book by Mark Cahill on the subway on the way to work this morning and felt convicted by this question: Would you deal with your laziness problem for the love of money when you won't deal with it for the love of God? Too often I pass up opportunities for God to be glorified simply because I didn't feel like it. Yet for things like work or school I will manage to get myself going despite how I'm feeling.

Another great Testify Tuesday evening with Harvest Bible Chapel York Region peeps, Tony, Mike, Ben, Jackson, and Linda. Teaming up with Linda, I met a group of friends Keanna, Brendan, and Sabrina, who were really courteous and patient, and were open to hearing us out. Though they didn't express interest in considering the gospel in the end, Keanna nevertheless asked for prayer for her grandmother, who was recently in a serious accident.

We next met Mark, with whom we also had a generally pleasant conversation. His responses were rather vague, though he was genuinely interested in the dialogue, and was interested in visiting Harvest sometime. He told us that he has been a Christian for a little over a year. Though we don't know where exactly he's at in his relationship with Jesus, we trust that God will use this encounter to spur Mark further towards Himself.

Glory be to God. Even when we present ourselves to him with unworthy hearts, He still uses it towards the up-bringing of His Kingdom. What undeserved grace! Praying that He will continue to break us out of our complacency and turn our concrete hearts to softened ones, that we would hurt for those who have yet to know the peace of God that transcends understanding.

Yesterday evening, with friends from Testify Tuesday at Markville Mall; I verbally communicated the good news of Jesus Christ to complete strangers. Up until now, I have been somewhat reluctant to talk about what God has been doing with and through us on Tuesday nights, especially on Facebook, though it has been going on for some 6 months. (Perhaps I am afraid of what you, the cyber friend, think of God or me and my motives concerning God.) Friends, the good news is that Jesus Christ took the punishment we deserve for sin and now we, everyday people, must repent and believe in him in order to be saved. Jesus died for our sins, He rose from the dead, and He will return to judge us. This is something I believe, and I daresay that when I surrendered my life to Christ; He has changed every aspect of who I am, and who I am becoming. I praise God for the friends he has put in my life to help me obey this command - make disciples of all nations, including Canada! (Matt 28:19-20) My Christian readers.. will you join me on Tuesday? Will you pray for me today? Will you submit to God's word? I have only just begun to realize who I am in Christ when I obey him... will you begin to do this in your life and join me???!!! I need your help...! - with Tony Chuang, Mike Fenty, Jackson Tsuji, Hope Linda, Dorothy Leung.

Last night was another evening of sharing the Gospel at the Mall! Mike Fenty and I paired up last night, and we talked with a few groups of people about the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ. We did not see much “fruit” from most of our conversations, unfortunately. (But who knows what God will do?) Even so… we’ve got to keep proclaiming this Good News and not stop! The Bible says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16 ESV). It’s only by the Gospel that we can be saved – that Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died to pay for our sins (thoughts/actions that are displeasing to God) so that we could be forgiven and not face the eternal punishment that we deserve. That’s some amazing news (how will you respond to it?), and it ought to change those who have received it. I’m not saying you have to share this message at a mall with us, but if you’re saved, is the Good News of what God has done in you flowing out of your life? It’s a great check for me as well.

I was so convicted last night that I need more boldness in sharing this message. I struggle, and even struggled last night, with speaking the whole truth about the Gospel and speaking it plainly, because I’m afraid of what people will think of me. BUT praise God that He is the one who gives us boldness and the words to speak (Ephesians 6:19-20)… I can trust in Him that He will keep growing me in this area.

Thanks to everyone who came out (Mike, Dorothy, Ben, Hope, Tony). Because of what Christ has done, let’s keep praying that God will transform us to be people who live out each and every day for His Glory. — with Mike Fenty and 4 others.

You’ve heard testimonies about Testify Tuesday from Mike, Linda, Dorothy, Ben, and Jackson. I asked all of them to write individual testimonies because last night was different. We had many interesting conversations. This one guy Sam wanted to leave about 4 times during the conversation but somehow we kept talking to him for a while. He said he was Christian because he went to church, naturally I had to quote Matt 7:22 to him. At the end, Ben somehow convinced him that he needed to be born again (John 3:3). But sadly, like Nicodemus, he just walked away... :(

The thing is, we should be discouraged. We should be disappointed and tired because honestly, the conversations weren't “fruitful”. But we weren't depressed. Instead we experienced more joy this time than we ever have! We joked with each other. We walked away from conversations knowing that though they didn't respond well, the full gospel has been unashamedly proclaimed, without adulterating an ounce of truth. Oh just imagining how these seeds will take root excites me. And we were filled with such joy, such overflowing joy!

It was the joy of knowing we did exactly what God told us to do. The joy of the Lord supernaturally filled every one of us as we shared the Word with each other and prayed fervently in the Spirit at the end. Team, we were wrong, there was fruit! The fruit was the work done in our own souls! I praise the Father for all five of you and for countless others who were praying. You truly make my joy complete and I wouldn't be able to keep evangelizing without you. The fruit is you too, the one reading. Brother, be encouraged. Sister, be edified. Family, be exhorted to work for Christ and so experience His extraordinary joy! :D

Souls (19) {Total: 211}

M (gay guy);
H (good life personal trainer);
P, T, T, J, S (5 teenagers);
S (Adventist);
M and Macedonian crew (7 people);
S, K, B (prayed for them);
M (self-proclaimed Christian)

Team (6)

Tony, Ben; Mike, Jackson; Linda, Dorothy

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

More Adventure

2013 April 9 (27)


Testify Tuesday is here! Join us in the work of evangelism at Markville Mall tonight at 6:30PM.

If you're a Christian, then you hear sermons at church week after week. The question is, what do you do with those sermons? Do you actually try to live them out? Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard how Rom 8:4 says we "walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." Let's try to apply it now:

Evangelizing. Does that seem more like what the flesh would do or what the Spirit would do? Playing games, flesh or Spirit? Praying, flesh or Spirit? Spending hours on the internet, flesh or spirit? Working for God, flesh or Spirit? Watching TV, flesh or Spirit?

I know many have busy lives serving family, discipling children, etc. Praise God for those opportunities. Keep doing them! It's not always about evangelism. But if you call yourself Christian, ask yourself this: are you doing anything tonight that is of the flesh? If so, don't. Walk according to the Spirit instead! It's not an abstract concept; it's not optional either! Do it!


Man, tonight was a pretty adventurous night sharing the gospel! There's nothing like working for God. :D

We started with three antagonistic kids (who ended up listening anyway) and moved on to a group of Hindus who believed in the reincarnation. Praise God that at the end, it seemed they heard what we were saying and at least know for sure that sinners don't "maybe" or "possibly" go to Hell, they "definitely" go to Hell. Pray that our "parting gift" would cause them to come to us when they are ready to repent.

Ben and I then talked to these two Jehovah's Witnesses. Apparently it's the first time in their lives that anyone approached them to share the gospel with them. First time? Man, what have we Christians been doing!? We truly need more laborers in the harvest field... Anyway, we had a very civil discussion on how we disagree with each other. At the end we got each other's contact information and I know this is one follow-up that will happen, should we choose it.

As an added bonus, Jackson and Linda spoke to John the sunglasses guy from last week again. We've talked to him for three weeks in a row now, and to see his change is just amazing. God is working in him! He might even come to church this weekend! Pray that he does!

Souls (13) {Total: 192}

A, J, R;
J, D, P, D, R (Hindus with birthday guy);
W, D (Jehovah’s Witness);
B, J;
J (sunglasses guy)

Team (4)

Tony, Ben; Jackson, Linda

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cool Conversations

2013 April 2 (26)


Testify Tuesday, 6:30PM, Markville Mall (or wherever you are).

If you were at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region this weekend, you heard this simple truth from 1 Cor 15:20 "But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead."


If that's not enough to passionately move you, I have no more to say to you.


Short stories from last night:

Linda and I started off talking to this couple. But the woman had this intense stronghold in her heart. She told her husband to stop saying anything and from that point on they wouldn't even open their mouths. It was really sad to watch... Praise God that after Dorothy joined us, we had a good, long conversation with this couple. We then ran into Dorothy's old friend. I might have made the encounter awkward... But that's what Testify Tuesday's all about: having awkward gospel conversations that people don't want to have. I'm glad Dorothy and Linda were there to smooth things out.

Mike and Samantha started talking to this guy who works in the sunglasses booth. Praise God for Sam the initiator. ;) He was genuinely interested. He wanted to know how to have assurance, where to start in the Bible, and had many other good questions. At the end, Mike got his number and they semi-planned to meet up to go through the Bible! Pray for that to actually happen!

Ben and Jackson talked to these two Muslim guys for what must have been two hours, getting into really good conversation. Who cares about being punctual right? As long as we're having gospel conversation, we should go for as long as we can... Right guys?

Souls (11) {Total: 179}

A, W, J, A;
Asian girl (works at mall);
S, A;
A (Dorothy’s friend);
J (sunglasses guy);
O, A

Team (7)

Tony, Linda, Dorothy; Mike, Sam; Ben, Jackson