2013 January 29 (17)
Evangelism on Testify Tuesday! 6PM at Markville Mall. Come, or pray. Please?Those of you at Harvest Bible Chapel York Region heard this Sunday from Romans. Rom 5:8, a verse I often use in evangelism says, "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." God's love has been poured into our hearts (v5), it has been lavished on us. If you're a Christian, you know what this feels like. You know the depths of your sin and thus the magnitude of His love. When we were still sinners, enemies of God (v10), Christ died for us, for you, for me!
You know that you're saved, good. But are you content to let other sinners sink into Hell without ever feeling this love? Are you happy to just let your neighbors die and face the wrath of God? Are you okay with being polite with your friends all the way to the gates of Hell? To never warn them? To never tell of God's love, just waiting for them if they will trust Christ!? Christian, this cannot be right! Preach the gospel! Speak of Christ! I'm not doing it because I have to. I'm doing it because His love compels me to (2 Cor 5:14)! Let it control you too!
Testimony time! God encountered a girl tonight in Spirit and in power!Tonight, there was this one girl who had gone through so much bad stuff at her old church that she didn't consider herself a "Christian" anymore, though she read the Bible and prayed every day. She shared how she had wanted to walk away from God back in October but someone, through God, told her to hold on for something in the future. Today, she had an especially bad day (details withheld) and wasn't sure what to hold onto anymore. Her boss let her off work early (for no reason) and that's when she met us.
We usually don't approach girls but I had just seen her in my prayers. She asked us why we are talking to her; I told her plainly that God had sent us. God worked powerfully in her as we kept sharing about what fellowship is and about Christ's church. She had prayed for God to show up that day and we were the answer to that prayer! As we kept talking and Ben shared his heart about true church and true Christianity, she began to cry. After a while she just burst into tears, unable to hold in all the emotions anymore.
She met God that night in a very real and powerful way. She was lost and honestly seeking direction, God found her and is bringing her back to Himself! Pray that God won't let her go. Pray that He won't let any of us go...
Tonight, we were blessed with so much prayer from so many people. That by itself is reason enough to praise God. When Ben Sampson and I were praying, we begged God to show His power and to give us fruit. God did. Our God is faithful. Praise His awesome name!
Souls (5) {Total: 82}
Asian young couple;Mentor & mentee (big brother program);
G (cried)
Team (2)
Tony, Ben